ESG McGill

The Vital Toll of Energy Storage in Facilitating the Energy-Transition

By Max Marshall Energy storage plays a pivotal part in the global power system composition as it balances the variability in renewable power generation and innovates how countries utilize their grid systems. By definition, energy storage is capturing and storing renewable energy for future use. These systems can collect energy in various forms, whether thermal …

The Vital Toll of Energy Storage in Facilitating the Energy-Transition Read More »


By Marianna Tokarcik-Bermudez During the past years of the Covid-19 pandemic, holiday travel and plans have been disrupted. Indeed, travelling during the pandemic was a challenge due to the different measures implemented by other countries worldwide. A once almost seamless experience for most travellers has become a planning nightmare. As winter break approaches, many are …

Over-tourism Read More »

How Technology and the Metaverse are Revolutionizing Sustainable Fashion

By Johanna Lau The environmental impacts of fast fashion (as discussed here by Analyst Tilly Woodford) are one of many concerns for informed and environmentally conscious consumers. With consumers holding brands accountable and pushing for circular fashion (which you can read more about in Analyst Tom Secheyron’s article here), companies are forced to either revolutionize or face obsolescence …

How Technology and the Metaverse are Revolutionizing Sustainable Fashion Read More »

The Future of Food: Impact Investing, ESG, and Sustainable Agriculture

By Emma Hipwell As it exists today, agriculture is a leading contributor to climate change, second only to the energy sector. Food production contributes up to around 37% of GHG emissions worldwide. So why do we seldom hear anything about necessary, industry-level changes like we do with other sectors? The food industry has always been …

The Future of Food: Impact Investing, ESG, and Sustainable Agriculture Read More »

How ESG Rating Agencies Are Deceiving Well-Intentioned Investors

By Greg Losch As ESG investing as a practice has continued to grow in popularity over the past decade, many investors with noble intentions have been misled concerning how companies are deemed ESG-compliant. The main culprit behind this scheme? Rating agencies, and there’s none more prominent in the ESG space than MSCI. A once unnotable …

How ESG Rating Agencies Are Deceiving Well-Intentioned Investors Read More »